  • 04 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article Summary


Applitools introduces advanced test automation driven by AI-enhanced computer vision technology called Visual AI. This technology empowers Developers, Test Automation Engineers, and QA experts to expedite the production of top-notch web and mobile applications with heightened efficiency.

Applitools seamlessly integrates with more than 60 contemporary test automation frameworks like Selenium, WebdriverIO, and Cypress. This integration optimizes efficiency and curtails the upkeep demands of automated testing.

Additionally, Applitools revolutionizes testing practices by enabling real-time visual validation of applications across various platforms and devices. Its AI-backed technology detects even the slightest visual discrepancies, enhancing quality assurance and expediting the development lifecycle.


  1. Applitools Account - An Applitools account is essential for running visual tests. If you don't have an account, sign up at Applitools.
  2. Node.js - Ensure that Node.js is installed on your system. We recommend using Node.js version 16 or above for optimal compatibility.
  3. NPM (Node Package Manager)- NPM is needed to manage project dependencies. If you don't have it, install it alongside Node.js.
  4. Project Setup - Clone or download the project repository to your local machine.
  5. Install Dependencies - Open your terminal and navigate to the project directory. Install the necessary project dependencies by executing the following command:
npm install


  1. Update Email - In the config/config.js file, locate the line containing pCloudy_Username and replace it with your email address.
  2. Update API Key - Similarly, find the lines with pCloudy_ApiKey and apiKey. Replace Enter-API-Key with your actual pCloudy API key. Also, replace Enter-Applitools-API-KEY with your Applitools API key. If you're unsure about how to obtain the Applitools API key, refer to the Applitools API Key Guide.
  3. Update App and Test Name - Similarly you can update your appName & testName


To run the visual testing script, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Navigate to the project directory using the cd command.
  3. Execute the following command to initiate the test:
npm run test


The test results will be accessible via your Applitools account dashboard. Log in to your Applitools account to view the visual testing output and analyze any discrepancies.

With these steps completed, you're all set to perform Applitools Visual Testing and ensure the visual integrity of your application across different devices and screen sizes.

The complete sample and documentation are available in the pCloudy GitHub Repository : Github

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