Automation Studio
  • 02 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Automation Studio

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Article summary


Automating mobile app tests is just not enough today. Heeding to the growing demand for faster- time-to-market, pCloudy brings to you a codeless automation studio, Opkey, with which tests can be automated by anyone in the entire team and which can run on multiple devices. In other words, you can create automation tests without writing a single line of code. Not only this, it can be easily integrated with CI platforms which can accelerate the delivery of apps multi-folds.


  1. Go to the Automator page to start creating your automation scripts.
  2. Click on Opkey tab to start using Automation Studio.
  3. Launch the feature
  4. The next step would be to upload an app. Click on Tools
  5. Go to Mobile Management tab
  6. After clicking on the Mobile Management, you will automatically land on Application Management page. Click on Add new application.
  7. Upload the app you want to create automation scripts for from your local system.
  8. The app you selected from your local system gets uploaded. It might take a few minutes.
  9. Once the app gets uploaded, the instrumentation process will start which might take a few minutes again.
  10. Now, we will be creating test scripts without writing a single line of code. Go to create new and click on Test case to create a new test case.
  11. Click on Mobile recorder to start recording the automation steps.
  12. Click on Create new to add a repository
  13. Click on pCloudy to select the devices connected at pCloudy to record the scripts.
  14. Click on the version of Android devices you would like to select
  15. Select the device
  16. Select the application you had uploaded
  17. Click to finish to start recording the steps
  18. Click on record to start recording the steps and click to perform any action on the device for the steps to be recorded.
  19. You can edit the script here or click on stop and the recorded steps can be viewed.
  20. Click on save to execute the test scripts on the device connected on pCloudy.
  21. We will now see how to execute the steps. Click on Create new to create a new test suite.
  22. Drag the test case to test suit
  23. Select the test suite created and run it on pCloudy
  24. Enter the session name, choose the build from dropdown, select execution agent as Trial agent from dropdown and select Opkey mobility as generic plugin
  25. Select the version and the device available on pCloudy on which you want your recorded tests to be executed.
  26. Click complete if the device selected seems fine to you else click on Back to select other device available on pCloudy.
  27. You can find the Opkey execution logs here.
  28. Go to My devices page on a separate tab and click on My Bookings to confirm if the device selected by you is displayed in your bookings. Click on cloud button to connect
  29. You can find the steps recorded being executed automatically.
  30. Go to the Opkey execution log page again and Click on view reports button to view the reports for your automation execution.
  31. You can find the comprehensive test result here.

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