  • 18 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary


Slack is a cloud-based set of proprietary team collaboration tools and services. The name is an acronym for "Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge." Slack helps teams communicate, giving everyone a shared workspace where conversations are organized and accessible.

The Slack integration with pCloudy allows you to share the screenshot taken on pCloudy in slack conversation .Along screenshot , you can also share description related to screenshot in conversations.

In order to use this feature effectively, make sure to fulfill these pre-requisites.

  • Slack Workspace Access
  • Valid pCloudy account


  1. Login to the pCloudy platform.
  2. Click on "Integration" or click on the slack icon in the "Connect your Apps" section.
  3. Navigate to Slack and click on "Connect".
  4. This will take you to the permissions page, please select "Allow".
  5. Once you have updated the permissions, you will get a success notification on the pCloudy platform.
  6. You can then navigate to start page and connect to any available devices.
  7. You can click on screenshot to capture a 1x1 pixel of the screen and edit the screenshot using the pen tool to highlight bugs if any.
  8. You can then click on the "Mark as bug", select "Slack".
  9. You can write a message, attach the appropriate screenshots and send it to your slack channels or colleagues listed in your workspace.

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