Synchronous Mode App Testing
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Synchronous Mode App Testing

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Article summary


pCloudy has always been focused towards making your mobile app testing simple and seamless.

We know how difficult it is for a manual app tester to test an app on multiple devices. Although manual app tests are still an integral part of app testing yet they are highly time consuming.

We bring to you the first of its kind solution that can change the way you do your manual app tests. Introducing Follow Me that can speed up your app tests exponentially. It lets you perform test in synchronous mode on one device that gets replicated on multiple other devices.

Some Do's & Don'ts


  • Use Soft Keys for navigation
  • Use APK
  • Use Hamburger icon to close a menu
  • Use Mouse Scroll or Two Finger Scroll to scroll through the pages
  • Wait until all typed/entered text appears in the input textbox/search bar on Slave device and then move ahead with testing
  • Report to us If the application on Master or Slave crashes during the session


  • DON’T use Master Device buttons (the back button, home button, and app switcher button) for navigation
  • DON’T use devices below Android version 6.0


  • XAPK or AAB files are not supported
  • Landscape applications cannot be shown in actual mode yet
  • Device Popups are not supported
  • ReactNative applications are not supported
  • Supported Android version- greater than 6.0
  • The scroll and swipe action from the Master device will not be replicated on the Slave device
  • Supported OEM (original equipment manufacturer)
    • Samsung
    • Google
    • Motorola
    • One plus
    • LG
    • Sony
    • Nokia


  • Login to the platform
  • Upload an apk file on My App/Data
  • Instrument the app
  • Go back to the Device Page

Steps to Enable Snychronous Mode Testing - Follow Me

  1. Click on Follow Me section on the start page to execute manual app testing in synchronized mode using Follow Me.

  2. Follow me comes with a guided UI where you just have to perform each step as given. click on Choose .apk file. Select the duration for which you want to perform the test and Click on Next to select the devices on which you want to perform the test.

  3. Select a maximum of 2 devices from the devices available, by clicking on the plus sign. In this example, we have selected Samsung Galaxy S23 and Samsung Galaxy S10. Click on next.

  4. You now have to select a master device on which you will perform test on synchronous mode which will be replicated on the other device selected. Click on Start Session to begin the test.

  5. Your devices will get connected in a few seconds.
    Once the devices are connected, the instrumented app you chose in last step will automatically get installed in all the devices. The installation will depend on the speed of your internet.

  6. Once the app is installed on all the devices you can perform your test on the master device and it will get replicated on other devices. In this case, the test is performed on the master device Samsung Galaxy S23 and the same actions are replicated on Samsung Galaxy S10. While performing the tests, you can also take screenshots. You can access the screenshots on the reports page. You can also access the details about the devices from this info section.

Zooming in/out of the device is also possible to make visual verification easier for you.

Once you perform all the tests, you can click on release. The platform will then automatically clean up the devices and make it available for the next user.

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