Certifaya - Testing Bot
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Certifaya - Testing Bot

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Article summary


Certifaya is our AI Powered bot testing engine. You just need to upload your Application and sit back and relax. Certifaya bots will do their magic and you will get a detailed health check of your App.


  1. Upload your App to My App/Data. Please follow the this documentation link to learn how to upload your App
  2. Once the app is uploaded, You can navigate to Certifaya page by Clicking on "CERTIFAYA" Tab.
  3. Select your Application by clicking on + icon. It will open the My App/Data folder. Double click on the App on which you want to run certifaya.
  4. In this case the BMS.apk app has been selected.
  5. Now you can give a session name to the test session.
  6. You can also select your country in "Select Location" dropdown list.
  7. Then you need to select the "Application Category" in the dropdown list.
  8. Now you can set the "Username" and "Password" if required.
  9. You can Navigate through the report.
  10. If you wish to share the report with your team members, you can make the report Public. After making it Public, you will receive an email with URL. Anyone having access of that report URL can see the report.

Note: If you switch off the access that person will not have access to that URL and notification message appears.

The Certifaya Report will consist of -

  • Summary
  • Crash Test
  • Exploratory Bot Test
  • Crowd Sourced
  • Security

Contents in Summary of the Certifaya Report

The Summary provides the user with the information about all the activities performed on app.

  • You will be able to find "App information" on right side of screen.
  • You will find the detail of "App Performance Score" in middle .
  • App Performance score are in three different color. Significance for same are listed below
    • Orange - Your app performance is moderate/average as compared to industry standard.
    • Red - Your app performance is below average as compared to industry standard.
    • Green - Your app performance as per industry standard.


If your app does not perform well on any of the selected device. You will get to know that from "INSIGHTS".
For Example - High max memory usage in Samsung GalaxyOnNxt v6.0.1 : 211 Mb. This means that your app when ran on Samsung GalaxyOnNxt v6.0.1 has consumed high memory.

Crash Test - Here the bot performs a monkey test of the app on all devices. Just select the device on which you wish to check the app performance and viola you're all set.

Exploratory Bot Test - Here the bot performs a manual test of the app on all the selected devices.

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