Checking Device Logs
  • 02 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Checking Device Logs

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Article summary


This feature is used to monitor device logs while performing functional testing on the application under test. This feature helps users to follow the logs and track the test flow.


  1. Login to your registered account on
  2. Go to the Device page and connect to a device as shown here.
  3. You will land to the Device Connection page once your device gets connected.


  1. Please click on the "Logs" tab on the right top corner, Click on the radio button next to "Enable Logs" to start capturing the logs as shown in the below figure.
  2. Once you click on the radio button next to Enable Logs, the pane will expand and will allow you to do more with logs.
    Logs can be -
    • Paused,
    • Stopped
    • Cleared and
    • Downloaded by clicking on respective icons.

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