Enabling App for Synchronous Mode App Testing
  • 31 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Enabling App for Synchronous Mode App Testing

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Article summary


pCloudy has always been focused towards making your mobile app testing simple and seamless. We know how difficult it is for a manual app tester to test an app on multiple devices. Although manual app tests are still an integral part of app testing yet they are highly time consuming.

We bring to you the first of its kind solution that can change the way you do your manual app tests. Introducing Follow Me a feature that will surely be a game-changer and speed up your manual app tests exponentially. It lets you perform your manual app tests in synchronous mode on one device by replicating the actions performed on another device. However, in order to enable the Follow-Me feature, we will need to instrument the app for its readiness.


  • Must be a register pCloudy User
  • Have access to Android devices on the platform

Steps to Instrument Apps for Follow-Me

  1. From the Start Page, go to the "My Data" page.
  2. Click on Upload File and select the desired APK file.
  3. Once the file is uploaded, Click on the three dots on the Andorid Icon and select "Follow Me."
  4. The APK file will get instrumented and a success notification will appear on the bottom.
  5. Once the Android app is instrumented, you can click on the Plus sign (+) against the app to confirm.
  6. Now you can simply install the instrumented app on the android device to test for Image Scan or Biometric Authentication.

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