Installation & Authentication
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Installation & Authentication

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Article summary

Overview of pCloudy Desktop Assistant (PDA):

The pCloudy Desktop Assistant (PDA) application enables users to access the most used features of pCloudy like Wildnet, Android tunnel and iOS connect all at a single place. This installation guide will help you with the steps to install the PDA Application on your respective machines. Please follow the steps based on the OS of the machine you use.


  • In case of multiple clouds,PDA provides the benefit to test these features on multiple clouds at a single place without the hassle of logging in to different clouds.
  • Using PDA, users can save time as they don't have to download different jars or .exe files for using these features.
  • PDA provides a facility to use Direct and Debug proxy.


  • Download the PDA from this repository
  • Users should be registered on the pCloudy platform.

Installation Process

For Mac:

  1. Download PDA and move it to Applications.
  2. Open PDA from Applications

For Linux:

  1. Download PDA > Right click the app icon > Click on properties
  2. Check the Execute box under Permissions

For Windows:

  1. Download PDA
  2. Install
  3. Run the application

Authentication Process

  1. Enter the mandatory fields on the authentication screen

    • Email address
    • Access Key
    • Cloud url
    • How to get the Access Key
      • Login to pCloudy platform
      • Go to Profile and click on Settings
      • Copy the access key
  2. Enter the Cloud URL

  3. The ADB path will be detected automatically.
    But if its not detected automatically, you will have to enter the ADB path
    Example-: /Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb

Note: If you do not have adb configuration, you can refer this link to configure the same.

  1. Enter these details on the Authentication Screen and click on the arrow button.
  2. After successful authentication, user will see Android Tunnel, iOS Tunnel and Wildnet
  3. The user can then choose the right feature to perform their testing.

Note: Users can use one or more than one feature as per their need at a time.

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