Wildnet for Browser Cloud
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Wildnet for Browser Cloud

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Article summary


Wildnet helps users to test their local site on any Mac/Windows machine on the pCloudy platform. Users can use this feature for both manual and automation testing.

This document exhibits procedures to use Wildnet in both manual and automated testing.


  • User should be logged in device.pcloudy.com

  • Please ensure that the below mentioned URLs/IPs are allowed in your network

    • https://wildnetserverservices.pcloudy.com
    • IP:
    • https://wildnetservices.pcloudy.com
    • IP:
    • https://wildnetservices.pcloudy.com
  • Enable the below mentioned ports for Wildnet feature

    • 80 -- HTTP
    • 443 -- HTTPS

Steps for enabling Wildnet Manually

  1. Navigate to the “Browsers” tab to connect a machine.

  2. Open the command prompt and run the command mentioned below with your User ID, access key and the URL to enable Wildnet.
    ./pCloudyWildNetLinux_v1 -i john.doe@xyz.com -k 37qf6bfjtg5k63vd4 -u https://device.pcloudy.com

  3. Once the machine is connected in the browser cloud, click on the “ENABLE WILDNET” icon.

  4. Users can test local sites once the Wildnet gets enabled.

Steps for enabling Wildnet through Automation

To use the wildnet feature while using selenium, perform the steps mentioned above and along add the below mentioned capabilities in the script.

DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities().internetExplorer();
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities().edge();
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities().chrome();
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities().firefox();
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities().safari();
caps.setCapability("os", os);
caps.setCapability("osVersion", osVersion);
caps.setCapability("clientName", "abc@sstsinc.com");
caps.setCapability("apiKey", "7pjNEMWeHUkUujh");
caps.setCapability("email", "abc@sstsinc.com");
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("https://browsercloud-in.pcloudy.com/seleniumcloud/wd/hub"), caps);
System.out.println("driver intialized");

Note: To turn on/off wildnet, Users need to pass true/false value as per the requirement in the enableWlidnet capability.

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