  • 12 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article Summary


Behave is a behavior-driven testing framework, akin to Cucumber, Cucumber-JVM, and SpecFlow. In this framework, test scenarios are expressed using plain specification language instead of direct programming code. These "behavior specs" outline the desired behavior, and the steps can be shared among various test cases or scenarios. This distinguishes it from traditional frameworks like unittest and pytest. While not an official Cucumber variant, behave employs the Gherkin language ("Given-When-Then") for specifying behaviors.


  1. Install Python and PIP: Ensure you have the latest versions of Python and PIP installed.
  2. Create a Virtual Environment: Set up a virtual environment using venv.
  3. Copy Files: Copy all project files into the virtual environment directory.
  4. Install Dependencies: Install required dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Personal Info: In "config.json", replace placeholders with your details:

    • pCloudy_Username: Your email address.
    • pCloudy_ApiKey: Your API key.

Running the Test

Execute the Behave test script:

  1. Navigate to the project directory in the terminal.
  2. Run:
paver run SingleDevice

The complete sample and documentation are available in the pCloudy GitHub Repository : Github

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