  • 12 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary


Robot Framework is an open-source test automation framework catering to acceptance testing and test-driven development. It offers diverse test case approaches - keyword-driven, behavior-driven, and data-driven - to craft test cases. This diversity enhances comprehension. Test cases are scripted using a tabular, keyword-based format. Robot Framework effectively integrates external open-source libraries and tools for automation. A prime example is the Selenium Library, extensively employed for web development and UI testing within the framework.

Python-Appium Script Execution [Installation Guide ]

Step 1: Install Python
Step 2: Download and install PyCharm.
Step 3: Install Python pip.
Step 4: Create a virtual environment in your project directory venv.
Step 5: Run the command inside your project directory to install the dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 6: Enter your email in pCloudy_Username="Enter your Email-id".
Step 7: Enter your API key in pCloudy_ApiKey="Enter your API Key".
Step 8: Open the terminal where the project is located and run the script with the following command:

pabot --argumentfile1 arg1.txt --argumentfile2 arg2.txt SampleTestCase.txt 

Go to arg1.txt and arg2.txt : Variable automationName can be change based on the device version.

The complete sample and documentation are available in the pCloudy GitHub Repository : Github

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