Find & Connect to a Device
  • 02 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Find & Connect to a Device

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Article summary


The Devices page is where we get all the required information about devices that a user looks for. In order to test an app on a device on the pCloudy platform. You can also search for specific devices by using the name, OS (android/iOS) version, or model number or by applying various filter and sort options.


  1. Login to the platform with your register ID and password.
  2. On the Start Page Click on "Devices"
  3. On the Devices Page, simply click on "Connect" and run your app tests on the available devices on the platform.
  4. On the Device Connection page, you can perform various tasks on the device using different actions listed under "All Actions" and "Quick Actions".

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