Reset Password
  • 10 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Reset Password

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Article summary


Let us now have a look at what shall be done when a user forget the password after registering on the platform. If the user gets a message "wrong username or password", he/she can reset the password corresponding to the registered Email ID by clicking on Forgot Password link.


  1. User will be redirected to reset the login password window. Simply enter the registered Email ID and Click on Submit.
  2. An email with a reset password link will be sent to the registered Email ID.
  3. Go to the mailbox & open the corresponding mail
  4. Click on the Reset Password Link.
  5. Enter the Email ID > Enter new password > Re-enter new password > Enter captcha > Click on Reset.
  6. The password is reset. Go to the login page of the pCloudy platform and login again with the newly updated password.

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