Tracking Transaction Performance - Overview
  • 02 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Tracking Transaction Performance - Overview

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Article summary


Transaction Level Performance will allow users to access important information related to the CPU usage, memory, battery status, response times, etc. when a particular action or a series of actions are performed as part of the app usage.

What is a Transaction?

A transaction refers to the completion of an action or a series of actions that are requested on the application as part of its usage. The transaction level performance data will help the users analyse and compare the performance when performing various transactions to optimize and enhance the performance of the application.

How to Track Trasaction Performance?

pCloudy allows users to simulate different network profiles in a manual test or an automated process by using Appium on both iOS and Android. Use the Quick Links below to view the steps for the same.

Quick Links

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