MS App Center Manual Integration
  • 21 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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MS App Center Manual Integration

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Article summary


INSTALL FROM MS APP CENTER feature allows users to directly use the app that is present in the “Microsoft App Center” account and install in the connected device on pCloudy platform. This will save users time that is required for uploading various apps.


  • User should be registered on pCloudy platform
  • User should have Admin Privileges or user should be a team member
  • User should have appcenter account

Login to your registered account on pCloudy, connect any device and click on Install, a dialoge box will open up. Please follow the steps according to the Cases below

CASE 1 - Registered users with No Admin Privileges

A message will appears saying - "You are not associated with any team"

In this case System-admin can make the user as Admin and login again.

CASE 2 - User with Admin Privileges

The First step in this case is for the Admin to get App Center API access token

  1. Get API Access Token
    • Login to App Center account
    • Click on Account and go to Account setting
    • Scroll down the page and go to USer API token
    • Click on NEW API token

Note: You will need to copy and keep the API token for future use

  1. Once you get the API access Token, Click on edit icon.
  2. Paste the app center APi access token
  3. Success message will appear and all the apps with all the version that are present in app here. User can install the app on device by clicking on Install

CASE 3 - User is a team-member

  1. In this case when user connects any device and click on INSTALL
  2. All the apps that are present on the Admin’s account will appear in the MS APP Center section.
  3. You can then install the App and start testing.

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