Provided A Robust Testing Mechanism To An IPTV Company To Cover All The Anticipated Testing

About Client

It is one of the largest IPTV providers in Asia. It is the digital satellite television provider in Malaysia and Brunei with more than 4 million users.

Company Size:
1,000 – 5,000

Business Challenges

Their application is the crucial touch point for their customers and they have adopted strategic agile methodology to deliver features rapidly. Maintaining devices was a challenge as it is difficult to analyze which devices are popular in a particular region. Avoiding redundancy in devices is also difficult as the devices are procured based on a combination of OS, hardware, and features.

Feature release cycle is short and fast paced which makes automated testing a necessity. As they have a large user base, it is required to run automated tests on hundreds of devices to ensure app compatibility and quality. Manual testing was not enough for testing the app with a device coverage at that scale.

Our Solution

Our On-Premise Device Lab helps them meet their need for a robust testing mechanism to cover all the anticipated application testing needs. The On-premise set up includes Automated Regression Testing Suite. We also helped them adopt the ATFD (Automation Test First Development) approach in the process. Now the tem can initiate sprint automation of On-going testing with ease


They can schedule automated runs in a continuous integrated mode and also during regression tests. The team can access all the devices at all times from any location. With our on-premise set up, the client is able to save significant time and cost in delivering features on time.