Latest Devices
Avinash Tiwari | Posted on | 2 min Read
Avinash Tiwari | Posted on | 2 min Read
PCloudy is happy to announce several exciting features as part of it’s latest release.
We would be happy to send you more information. Please contact us on
Avinash Tiwari | Posted on | 2 min Read
pCloudy provides a plugin for Eclipse IDE. Using the plugin you can perform both manual and automation testing of mobile apps. The plugin provides a user interface to connect to the pCloudy platform. You can upload apps, book devices and perform your testing right from your IDE.
Upload your app to the cloud drive, select the device, and perform the manual testing of your app right from Eclipse.
This plugin helps you get a pseudo code for your Test Scripts to run on multiple pCloudy Real Devices in Parallel. Just install the plugin, login to, upload your app, select devices and get the pseudo code.
Launch Eclipse > go to Help menu of Eclipse > click Install New Software > Copy and paste the below Eclipse plugin address in Work with textbox.
Now, you need to install pCloudy Eclipse Connector. Click on Next to begin pCloudy Eclipse Connector installation.
Further, check I accept the terms of the license agreements checkbox and click on Finish.
Installation of pCloudy Eclipse Connector begins.
On completion of pCloudy Eclipse Connector installation successfully, an alert message appears. Click on OK to proceed pCloudy plugin.
Now, enter Cloud URL of pCloudy along with registered Username and Access Key over pCloudy to login successfully. Click on Apply and then OK.
Now, you are able to perform Automation/Manual testing of apps based on Appium TestScripts/pCloudy/OpKey or Test as per your requirement.
To perform automation testing of your app, here’s a checklist you need to prepare for Automation
Here, we are discussing about Test Automation of apps by over pCloudy.
Select Automation & pCloudy and then upload your app to be tested.
Click on Next to proceed.
Select duration and filter list of devices by using given filter parameters (Android/iOS, Manufacturer, and Version). Select desired device (Ex. Samsung) and click on Next.
Finally, you get pseudo code for performing Test Automation. You can copy it to clipboard or copy it manually by selecting entire pseudo code.
You will need the pCloudy java connector jar file for the above code to work. The pCloudy-java-conector.jar contains the API wrappers, classes & methods to use the pCloudy RestfulAPIs(without knowing how to call rest webservices from java). The gson.jar is a well known, opensource google library. You should add the pCloudy-java-connector.jar in its build path as a reference within your java project containing appium scripts. See this link to learn how to add reference in eclipse.
You can download pCloudy-java-connector.jar & gson.jar(a dependancy of the pCloudy-java-connector.jar)
If you want to perform Manual Testing of apps over pCloudy through Eclipse then select Manual way and pCloudy and upload app to be tested. Click on Next to proceed.
Select duration and filter list of devices by using given filter parameters (Android/iOS, Manufacturer, and Version). Select desired device (Ex. Samsung) and click on Next.
Now, you are recommended to open pCloudy in browser. Click on Open in browser and then on Finish.
When you click on Finish, pCloudy login page opens in eclipse. Now, you can login and perform manual testing on selected device as well
Avinash Tiwari | Posted on | 2 min Read
With the advent of smartphones into our lives, “Mobile First”, “Mobile Only” and “Enterprise Mobility” has become new buzz words. However, for any Mobile program or an app to be successful, it takes careful planning and execution of testing.
Traditional app testing is time consuming because it requires a huge, dedicated infrastructure and resources that is to be used periodically. It is safe to say that Mobile Device Cloud is the next big thing. Working on Cloud opens up new panoramas of opportunity for testing.
This is where pCloudy comes into the picture.
pCloudy is a mobile application testing platform designed to increase your App Testing coverage while saving significant time and cost. All this with a simplicity you wouldn’t believe until you see it yourself. So, what makes pCloudy the simplest app testing platform?
pCloudy allows users to test on a wide-ranging list of real iOS and Android mobile devices and tablets. Now, you can ensure that your App is compatible with a variety of devices. You can also replicate and fix your production bugs easily.
Firstly, accessing their cloud device is made really simple. Access to real devices is a single click away using any Html5 browser. With security being a key factor, pCloudy makes sure information is protected and is secure over web sockets.
pCloudy provides single click access to tools like “Screenshot”, “Live Logs”, “Crash Reports”, “Performance Metrics”, “Videos” and “Geo-location”. Imagine how much time do you spend performing these steps on each device.
Creation of Automation scripts for Mobile Apps is easy. What’s challenging is “How to run the scripts in parallel on real devices during regression run”? “How to create consolidated reports with Device level stats built-in?
Whatever is your Automation framework (over Appium, Calabash or Robotium), you can focus on script creation and leave the rest to pCloudy. You can also run it directly using your build integration system like Jenkins
pCloudy allows automation run on any no. of devices in parallel. (Yes, truly in parallel). Imagine the coverage you can achieve and how much time can you save?
One of the most novel features of pCloudy is that they offer an “in-premise” setup at your organization. To make a demanding test schedule for an organization simpler, pCloudy provides the essential hardware and give you the liberty to set up your own secure device lab. With this, you will have complete control of your own on-premise lab with multiple benefits like plug-in play, day zero installation, no limitation on the number of concurrent logins, and a smooth mobile device management where you can monitor devices closely. There is no limitation of number of devices which can be attached to an on-premise setup. Apart from this, you can increase the USB hub to the main setup easily as per your requirement.