PCloudy is happy to announce several exciting features as part of it’s latest release.
ADB Bridge (for In-premise cloud): Connect and take full control of any Android device using Android Debug Bridge. It provides access to a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with a remotely connected device over the cloud.
ADB Commands (Available as part of Enterprise package): You can run ADB commands from your computer to the remotely connected device on a Private Cloud Lab.
Network Simulation (for In-premise cloud): Control the network connected to the device on which you will test your application. Set Network Profiles, modify existing profiles and apply it to the network connected to the device.
Battery Consumption Reports (For Android devices above 5.0): The platform now displays real time battery consumption data of device and App under testing. You can view a graphical representation of battery consumed by your apps with the total battery used by the device.
Monkey Tool (UI/Application Exerciser Monkey): Perform Stress and crash test on your application by simply selecting a device and running monkey tool on your application. The tool sends out a stream of pseudo-random user events such as clicks, touches, or gestures, as well as a number of system-level events, which acts as a stress test on the application software you are testing.
New implementation of iOS Instruments: Several improvements for running Appium and Calabash scripts on iOS devices
Volume Up & Down buttons for Android: Separate keys to control Volume of the devices. This is just the beginning, there’s something bigger coming.
Wifi control button for Android: Separate keys to Switch-on/Switch off wifi settings on Android devices
Support for IOS 10 beta : Get your App ready for Testing for upcoming IOS 10 release. You can test on iPhone and iPad with IOS 10 Beta version.
Several Bug fixes
We would be happy to send you more information. Please contact us on info@pcloudy.com
Appium is an open source test automation framework which is used with wide range of mobile apps that supports only android/ios or both. pCloudy is a popular mobile testing platform integrated with Appium script which enables you to automate test of mobile apps as well. If you have your Appium Scripts (or you plan to build them) in Java then you can use the pCloudy-java-connector.jar to integrate with the pCloudy platform. In case, you don’t have your Appium script then, you will need to use the rest web services APIs which are given in the end of this document.
1.2 Objective of this document
This user help guide has been developed for pCloudy end users. This help guide will help you to understand the APIs that pCloudy platform provides to integrate your existing Appium Scripts with pCloudy. After the integration, you will be able to execute your Appium scripts from your PC directly to the pCloudy real device cloud.
1.3 System Requirements
Java based Appium Script
Eclipse or Netbeans
>APK or IPA file
pCloudy Account
pCloudy-java-connector jar
Note : The APIs are evolving and we will come back with a better set of APIs & the jar soon. You might need a little tweaking in the code.
1.4 Stepwise Workflow of the APIs for getting an Appium Driver
The basic steps to get APIs for Appium Driver are given below:
1.5 How to get my API Key for using the services
If you are a registered user then you just need to follow few simple steps to get API key for using our services.
Login to pcloudy.com –
After successful login, Instant Access page opens. Now, you finds different devices which can be filtered from the above given dropdown list of devices. From this page, you can book your device by clicking on Book your Device link. Furthermore, you can connect with any given device to perform mobile testing but you will be given 10 minutes only. While performing testing operation on selected device, you cannot perform testing on other device simultaneously. For this, you need to release previously connected device.
When you click on settings option, support page opens by default which helps you to drop support ticket. It also includes various options like support, History, Test Runs, UDID, Profile, Credits, Unsubscribe, and API.
1.6 How to integrate my existing Appium Scripts on Java with pCloudy
You need pCloudy java connector jar file and corresponding APIs for Appium based mobile testing platform, pCloudy. You should add the pCloudy-java-connector.jar in its build path as a reference within the your java project containing appium scripts. See this link to learn how to add reference in eclipse.</p?
While downloading such file, you may come across message as given below which alerts you regarding safety of your computer.
Now, you can reference the JAR file in Eclipse or Android studio. Please refer the link.
The pCloudy-java-connector.jar comprises the following methods which gives you a wrapper code over the web services. Furthermore, you will not need to call the Rest APIs if you are working on JAVA:
1.7 Useful Codes to get Web-Driver Object
A. Run on Android Native
public void runExecutionOnPCloudy() {
Connector pCloudyCONNECTOR = new Connector();
// User Authentication over pCloudy String authToken = pCloudyCONNECTOR.authenticateUser(“abc@gmail.com”, “asd53sd3fa4asd5fsasda”);
ArrayList selectedDevices = new ArrayList<>();
// Populate the selected Devices here selectedDevices.add(MobileDevice.getNew(“Gionee_Ctrl-V6L_Android_4.4.2”, 73, “Ctrl-V6L”, “Ctrl V6L”, “android”, “4.4.2”, “Gionee”));
// Upload apk in pCloudy PDriveFileDTO pDriveFile = pCloudyCONNECTOR.uploadApp(authToken, new File(appPath));
System.out.println(“ipa file uploaded successfully”);
pCloudyCONNECTOR.initAppiumHubForApp(authToken, pDriveFile);
// Get the endpoint from pCloudy URL endpoint = pCloudyCONNECTOR.getAppiumEndpoint(authToken);
System.out.println(“Appium Endpoint:” + endpoint);
// Create multiple driver objects in multiple threads for (int i = 0; i < bookedDevicesIDs.length; i++) {
Thread.sleep(5000); new Thread(getTestCaseClass(endpoint, bookedDevicesIDs[i])).start();
private Runnable getTestCaseClass(final URL endpoint, final BookingDtoDevice dto) {
// this will give a Thread Safe TestScript class.
// You may also like to have this as a named class in a separate file
// Get the endpoint from pCloudy URL endpoint = pCloudyCONNECTOR.getAppiumEndpoint(authToken);
System.out.println(“Appium Endpoint:” + endpoint);
// Create multiple driver objects in multiple threads for (int i = 0; i < bookedDevicesIDs.length; i++) {
Thread.sleep(5000); new Thread(getTestCaseClass(endpoint, bookedDevicesIDs[i])).start();
private Runnable getTestCaseClass(final URL endpoint, final BookingDtoDevice dto) {
// this will give a Thread Safe TestScript class.
// You may also like to have this as a named class in a separate file returnnew Runnable() {
public void run() {
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability(“newCommandTimeout”, 600);
capabilities.setCapability(“deviceName”, dto.capabilities.deviceName);
capabilities.setCapability(“platformName”, dto.capabilities.platformName);
AppiumDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(endpoint, capabilities); // Your Test Script Goes Here… }
C. Run on IOS
public void runExecutionOnPCloudy() {
Connector pCloudyCONNECTOR = new Connector();
// User Authentication over pCloudy String authToken = pCloudyCONNECTOR.authenticateUser(“uttam.kumar@sstsinc.com”, “sadf5sd5fds5sfd5a5fdas1”);
ArrayList selectedDevices = new ArrayList<>();
// Populate the selected Devices here
selectedDevices.add(MobileDevice.getNew(“Apple_iPad2_Ios_7.1.2”, 70, “iPad2”, “iPad 2”, “ios”, “7.1.2”, “Apple”));
// Book the selected devices in pCloudy BookingDtoDevice[] bookedDevicesIDs = pCloudyCONNECTOR.bookDevicesForAppium(authToken, selectedDevices, 5, “friendlySessionName”);
System.out.println(“Devices booked successfully”);
// Upload apk in pCloudy
PDriveFileDTO pDriveFile = pCloudyCONNECTOR.uploadApp(authToken, new File(appPath));
System.out.println(“ipa file uploaded successfully”);
pCloudyCONNECTOR.initAppiumHubForApp(authToken, pDriveFile);
// Create multiple driver objects in multiple threads for (int i = 0; i < bookedDevicesIDs.length; i++) {
Thread.sleep(5000); new Thread(getTestCaseClass(endpoint, bookedDevicesIDs[i])).start();
private Runnable getTestCaseClass(final URL endpoint, final BookingDtoDevice dto) { // this will give a Thread Safe TestScript class. // You may also like to have this as a named class in a separate file
returnnew Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability(“newCommandTimeout”, 600);
capabilities.setCapability(“launchTimeout”, 90000);
capabilities.setCapability(“deviceName”, dto.capabilities.deviceName);
capabilities.setCapability(“browserName”, dto.capabilities.deviceName);
capabilities.setCapability(“platformName”, “ios”);
capabilities.setCapability(“bundleId”, bundleId);
IOSDriver driver = new IOSDriver(endpoint, capabilities); // Your Test Script Goes Here…
2. Rest APIs if needed to be used in platforms other than Java